Sunday, 25 February 2018

Help - someone has sabotaged a lifejacket !

If you were paying attention to our last post you may have noticed an interesting stylistic device when it repeated that every year  we tested the life jackets by inflating them and leaving at least overnight before re-checking.

Hence we  can say with certainty that all the lifejackets were fit for use and in good order at the start of last season.

Well imagine the astonishment when we found that number 3 jacket was like this:

The arming head had been fired and, as you can see, the cylinder had been un-screwed and removed, making it useless. But the jacket has been perfectly re-packed and there was no sign that it would have been useless in the water.

So we don't know exactly what happened, but we do know it was during last season, as they all checked out okay at the start of 2017. My guess is that it accidently fired overnight, when the toggle snagged on something  or water dripped on to the firing head. Maybe whoever was responsible was too embarrassed to own up, so carefully re-packed it, leaving a nasty little trap for someone else to fall into.

I'm fairly clear about this - they've abused our hospitality and broken the most basic and obvious rule of seamanship - they're so banned from the boat full time.

Saturday, 24 February 2018

Is that spring coming ? Its time to check the lifejackets

Is that spring in the air ?

Well, the days are getting longer even if the weather isn't any warmer.

This time of year - every year - we do an inflation test on the lifejackets to make sure they're in good order.

A pile of four inflated life jackets 

So every year - about this time - we inflate the bladders, and leave them overnight, just to check no holes or weakness or leaks, and the good news is - they're all still at full pressure after 48 hours.

Wait till you see what surprise we had though ! See the next post!

Sunday, 11 February 2018

What to do on long winter evening #6

Well, whilst the snow came down outdoors, snug in the workshop, you could polish your dividers.
 (not a metaphor, by the way)

This pair have come up lovely!
And for fans of Derek and Clive, I got Brasso all over my hands.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

What to do on long winter evenings #5

Part of my recent peregrinations have involved an extended walk around central London on a particularly cold and un-pleasant Sunday afternoon. So I was pleased to discover Arthur Beale's chandlery were still open.

For those who don't know, Arthur Beales operate a rather traditional chandlery from rather restricted premises on Shaftesbury Avenue. If not actually able to go sailing, a visit will lighten the soul and warm the heart.

Choose your bottle screws from this magngificent display 

It is my contention that they always have something for me, and this time it turned out to be a pair of small stand up blocks for the main sheet traveller. I do also have my eye on their lovely spirit lanterns though. Long may they continue to thrive. Just to note also, they didn't ask me to do this, but the link to their web site is .  

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

What to do on long winter evenings #3

Well I'm stuck well inland and the weather is miserable.

I've been walking about town for the last few days, which is cold and hard under foot, but my mood has been lifted by listening to Carolyn Sherlock's super pod cast from her blog at .

You may remember that she had previously helped (via the medium of her blog) sort out linking the AIS output from our Standard Horizon Gx2200e to our Garmin chart plotter at the binnacle, for which I hold her in high regard, so I highly recommend it. If nothing else, a catchy theme tune and the reminder of summer days with warm zephyrs wafting us along...