Thursday, 5 May 2016

Awaiting Flaking

On Monday I took off our large genoa - also known as the "Trireme Sail", on account of its ability to propel us forward at close to ramming speed whilst almost totally obscuring any poor unfortunate water users who happen to be in its lee. As I had thoughtfully prepared the slot in the foil with silicon spray when the sail was bent on, it whistled down and ended up in large heap around my feet.  I was only a small way successful in flaking it into the sail bag, which then filled the back seat of the car. Luckily a kindly friend allowed me some early morning access to one of the community rooms at nearby St Mary's to sort it out properly.

The 'Trireme' sail laid out flat, awaiting proper packing
Its much bigger on the ground than even I had expected and I've been sailing the darned thing for 3 years ! Comforting though it is to have a sail which can perform so well - and it is jolly well cut - it has an impressive ability to get us into trouble also.

Before I left the boat, I replaced the sail with our number one jib. I was equally surprised by how small this now seemed. The idea was that it would be easier to handle shorthanded but am now a bit concerned that it will be too small - I wonder if I sold the wrong sail when I had a clear out...

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