Friday, 29 June 2018

Kirkcudbright - a run ashore

I feel sorry for Friday. 
Thursday was the hottest day in Kirkcudbright since 1893.
Friday was the hottest day since Thursday.

Kirkcudbright is a fine Scottish town with a strong tradition of the visual art and particularly painting, for which the artists colony was well known. Perfect to explore with our old art school chum.
Also turns out to have a number of very well appointed hostelries.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

The kit bag scene again - how to manage the manifest

Well, this cruise took about 4 months to plan, and list up on list upon list.

We finally hit on a way of managing the last crucial stage of stockpiling and loading up all the stuff we'll need - and there is a surprising amount even for a short trip.

 Now it's all written on the inside of the door with dry wipe marker.
It is literally impossible to walk by and hasn't failed us so far.