Sunday, 28 September 2014

Dolphin Encounter

Brilliant dolphin encounter on Sunday 21st - a pod of around half a dozen grown ups on passage from Barmotuth top Pwllheli. Clearly something more interesting than Annabella to diving for !
It's always good to see dolphins and great to have a late season encounter.

Clearly something more interesting than Annabella to go diving for !
It's always good to see dolphins and great to have a late season encounter.
Apologeis for for low definition + shakey video, but wer'e only just getting the hang of this!
** more apologies - video not working on ios !**

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Freiberger Drum Sextant:

Excited joy on Friday as the new split horizon mirror and shades arrived from Frieberger.

As can be seen they are a slightly different shade of grey (!!)
The careful removal of the old and installation of the new took about 20 minutes and was very striaght forward, possibly because of the construction of the Freiberger itself.
I acquired the sextant nearly two years ago, as I wanted one with big mirrors to use on a small yacht in motion. It came with a full horizon glass, with which I never felt completley happy, but it took me about 6 months to extract the parts for a split horizon from the manufacturer. They insisted on a new set of shades also, but these looked to be the same size and shape as the originals, but heh-ho!
So first thing this morning, I drove up to some high ground with a good, distant horizon to adjust the new mirror. I couldn't resist taking a quick sight of the sun and pulling it down to the horizon - brilliantly easy!