Sunday, 30 June 2013

Steering Compass:

We took the 'Sestrel' steering compass off in January (2013) as it was looking pretty tired. I was a bit worried that we might not be able to get it back to a reasonable standard - especially as it was sporting a large bubble in the spirit.
the condition of the steering compass in January
We sent it to down Robinsons, compass adjusters, on the Hamble. They are extremely knowldegable in repairing sailing instruments and had done some great work for us before.
after refurbishing, about to be re-fitted
Robinsons refilled the compass bowl, eliminating the bubble. They reckoned it to be in reasonable working order and should be good for a few years yet. Back home, We carefeully dismantled the gimble, re-finished all the painted parts and polished up the brass bezel.
the Sestrel, back on the binnacle

Here it is back in place. In seatrials in June, the course it gave read almost exactly the same as the GPS COG and - ironically - much more accurate than the fluxgate, which we then had to re-calibrate. It's was carefully positioned too - right in the helmsman's eye line. Its great to have it back and working!

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Sea trials

<SOM> Sea trial concluded complete succes stop 
Brilliant conditions with lights airs to F4 - some rain in late afternoon stop 
Added experience now in reloading rototstay drum stop 
Photos to follow <EOM>

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Crew Notice:

Saturday's looking good for sea trials. We should have about 2m in the channel from about 1040 BST up to 1800 (tides are 4 days after springs) Note (ie: please remind me) that we have some crucial shopping to do at the chandlery before we go. HW 1320 BST. D

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The last six months since we took over Annabella have been hard work, but now she's just about ready to go. Watch out for new posts about The Ketch Annabella.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Back on the water at last - in a temporary marina berth in Pwllheli ( Hot and sunny weekend with plenty of sun burn about !

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Now with radar reflector fixed. Surely everyone will be able to see us now!
Grateful to the help received form Echomax ( even though it was a 2nd hand reflector.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

David up the mast, fixing the new (to us) Echomax radar reflector. Grateful thanks to Barney for his work at deck level, rushing off to buy bolts that fitted, borrowing tools that worked, taking photos like this and avoiding falling objetcs.